The Broughty Practice brings together Osteopathy, Psychology and Nutritional Therapy within an independent and established clinic in the centre of Broughty Ferry, Dundee.
The Broughty Practice for Osteopathic Medicine
The Broughty Practice for Osteopathic Medicine led by Dr. Sal Baradhi was established in 2006 when Sal took over as the principal osteopath from the previous osteopath at this location – Mr. Neil Falconer. Neil had been practising here since 1976 and was delighted to pass the baton to Sal on his retirement.
Psychology at The Broughty Practice
Psychology services at the practice are led by Dr. Samantha Baradhi who provides a range of psychology services for individuals, couples and families.
Nutritional Therapy at The Broughty Practice
Nutritional Therapy at the Broughty Practice is provided by Linda Hood dipCNM, mBANT,CNHC, a Registered Nutritional Practitioner. Linda recently graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Edinburgh and is now registered with The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) which is the ‘gold standard’ professional body for Nutritional Practitioners. Linda has had a life-long passion for nutrition and enthusiastically employs the latest evidence-based thinking in nutrition and health science derived from published primary research (at the cellular level) from all around the World.
For an appointment contact the practice on 01382 774200.